Dr Eng Chon Boon
Platform Lead, Cancer Databases & Tissue Banks, Singapore Translational Cancer Consortium
Director, NUH Tissue Repository, Research Office, National University Health Systems, Singapore
Profession appointment
Member of the Victoria Cancer Biobank‘s Strategic Advisory Group
Dr Eng Chon Boon is the co-lead of the Cancer Databases and Tissues Banks platform of the Singapore Translational Cancer Consortium. He is also the director for the Tissue Repository, National University Hospital (NUH), and runs the Hospital-based Cancer Registry (HCR) at the National University Cancer Institute (NCIS), and has an adjunct position in the Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health (SSHSPH), National University of Singapore (NUS). He is also the principal person-in-charge of tissue banks across the National University Health System (NUHS) public healthcare cluster, and the co-lead PI for the Singapore Integrated Network of Biorepositories (SINB), an infrastructure network formed by academic tissue repositories in Singapore. He is the Singapore’s convenor for ISO//TC276 Biotechnology and in the editorial board of “Biopreservation and Biobanking” by Mary Ann Liebert.
He is a past recipient for International Society for Biological and Environmental Repositories (ISBER) special service award (2010) and had numerous voluntary responsibilities within the ISBER over the years (Councilor, Chair of the ISBER Marketing Committee, members of ISBER Finance, Nominating, Strategic Planning, Program Committee), vice-chair of local organizing committee for the 2007 ISBER Annual Meeting in Singapore. Currently, he is also a member of the advisory panel for Biosample Hub, a not-for-profit company that helps industry requesters to partner with academic providers. He has numerous publications/book chapter/patent in the field of biobanking and had given talks, conducted biobanking workshops and consulted for various international biobanks over the past 15 years.
For a list of biobanking activities and further info, please refer to the following: